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View All Countries and Leagues England - Premier League - Championship - League 1 - League 2 - National League - National League North - National League South - Isthmian League Premier Division - Northern Premier League Premier Division - Southern League Premier Division Central - Southern League Premier Division South - Isthmian League North Division - Isthmian League South Central Division - Isthmian League South East Division - Northern Premier League Division 1 East - Northern Premier League Division 1 West - Northern Premier League Midlands - Southern League Division 1 Central - Southern League Division 1 South - Combined Counties League Premier Division North - Combined Counties League Premier Division South - Eastern Counties League Premier Division - Essex Senior Football League Premier Division - Hellenic League Premier Division - Midland Football League Premier Division - North West Counties League Premier Division - Northern Counties East League Premier Division - Northern League Division 1 - Southern Combination Football League Premier Division - Southern Counties East League Premier Division - Spartan South Midlands League Premier Division - United Counties League Premier Division North - United Counties League Premier Division South - Wessex League Premier Division - Western League Premier Division - Combined Counties League Division 1 - Eastern Counties League - Eastern Senior League Division 1 North - Eastern Counties League - Eastern Senior League Division 1 South - Hellenic League Division 1 - Midland Football League Division 1 - North West Counties League Division 1 North - North West Counties League Division 1 South - Northern Counties East League Division 1 - Northern League Division 2 - South West Peninsula League Premier Division East - South West Peninsula League Premier Division West - Southern Combination Football League Division 1 - Southern Counties East League Division 1 - Spartan South Midlands League Division 1 - United Counties League Division 1 - Wessex League Division 1 - Western League Division 1 - Anglian Combination Premier - Bedfordshire County Football League Premier - Cambridgeshire County League Premier - Central Midlands League Premier North Division - Central Midlands League Premier South Division - Cheshire League Premier Division - Devon League - Dorset Premier League - Essex & Suffolk Border League Premier - Essex Alliance Senior Division - Essex Olympian League Premier - Gloucestershire County League - Hampshire Premier League - Hellenic League - Division Two Central - Hellenic League Division 2 East - Hellenic League Division 2 West - Hertfordshire Senior County League Premier Division - Humber Premier League - Kent County League Premier - Leicestershire Senior League Premier Division - Lincolnshire Football League - Liverpool County Premier League - Manchester Football League Premier - Mid Sussex League Premier - Middlesex County League Premier - Midland Football League Division 2 - North Riding League Premier Division - Northamptonshire Combination Premier - Northern Alliance Premier Division - Nottinghamshire Senior League Premier - Oxfordshire Senior League Premier - Peterborough & District Football League Premier - Salop Leisure Football League Premier Division - Sheffield & Hallamshire County Senior League Premier Division - Somerset County League Premier - Southern Combination Football League Division 2 - Spartan South Midlands League Division 2 - St Piran League East Division - St Piran League West Division - Staffordshire County Senior League Premier - Suffolk & Ipswich League Senior Division - Surrey Premier County Football League - Thames Valley Premier - Wearside League - West Cheshire League Division 1 - West Lancashire League Premier Division - West Midlands League Division 1 - West Yorkshire League Premier Division - Wiltshire Senior League Premier Division - York Football League Premier Division - Yorkshire Amateur League Supreme Division - Central Midlands Alliance Division One South - Anglian Combination Division 1 - Aylesbury and District League Premier - Bedfordshire County Football League Division 1 - Bournemouth Saturday League Premier Division - Brighton, Worthing & District League Division 1 - Bristol and Suburban League Premier Division - Bristol Premier Combination Premier - Cambridgeshire County League Senior A - Central Midlands League Division 1 East - Central Midlands League Division 1 North - Central Midlands League Division 1 West - Cheshire League Division 1 - Cornwall Combination League - Devon & Exeter League Premier - Dorset Football League Senior - East Berkshire League Premier - East Cornwall League Premier - East Lincolnshire Football Combination Division 1 - East Sussex League Premier - Essex & Suffolk Border League Division 1 - Essex Alliance Premier Division East - Essex Alliance Premier Division West - Essex Olympian League Division 1 - Gloucestershire Northern Senior League Division 1 - Hampshire Premier League Division 1 North - Hampshire Premier League Division 1 South East - Hertfordshire Senior County League Division 1 - Humber League Division 1 - Kent County League Division 1 Central & East - Kent County League Division 1 West - Leicestershire Senior League Division 1 - Liverpool County Premier League Division 1 - Manchester Football League Division 1 - Mid Sussex League Championship - Middlesex County League Division 1 Central & East - Middlesex County League Division 1 North & West - Middlesex County League Division 1 South & West - Midland Football League Division 3 - Midlands Regional Alliance Premier Division - North Berkshire League Division 1 - North Bucks and District League Premier - North Devon League Premier Division - North Riding League Division 1 - Northamptonshire Combination Division 1 - Northern Alliance Division 1 - Nottinghamshire Senior League Division 1 - Oxfordshire Senior League Division 1 - Peterborough & District Football League Division 1 - Plymouth & West Devon Football League Premier - Sheffield & Hallamshire County Senior League Division 1 - Somerset County League Division 1 - South Devon League Premier - St Piran League Division One East - Staffordshire County Senior League Division 1 - Suffolk & Ipswich League Division 1 - Surrey County Intermediate League (Western) Premier - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Division 1 - Swindon & District League Premier Division - Thames Valley Premier League Division 1 - Wearside League Division 1 - West Cheshire League Division 2 - West Lancashire Division 1 - West Midlands League Division 2 - West Sussex League Premier Division - West Yorkshire League Division 1 - Wiltshire Senior League Division One - York Football League Division 1 - Yorkshire Amateur League Premier - Aldershot & District League Senior Division - Anglian Combination Division 2 - Aylesbury and District League Division 1 - Banbury District & Lord Jersey FA Premier Division - Bedfordshire County Football League Division 2 - Bournemouth Saturday League Division 1 - Bristol and Suburban League Senior Division - Bristol Premier Combination Division 1 - Cambridgeshire County League Senior B - Cheshire League Division 2 - Coventry Alliance Football League Premier Division - Crook and District League Division 1 - Devon & Exeter League Division 1 - Dorset Football League Division 1 - Duchy League Premier Division - East Berkshire League Division 1 - East Lincolnshire Football Combination Division 2 - East Riding County League Premier Division - East Sussex League Division 1 - Essex & Suffolk Border League Division 2 - Essex Alliance Division 1 - Essex Olympian League Division 2 - Gloucestershire Northern Senior League Division 2 - Herefordshire League Premier Division - Hertford and District League Premier Division - Hertfordshire County Senior League Division 2 - Kent County League Division 2 Central & East - Kent County League Division 2 West - Lancashire Amateur League Premier Division - Leicestershire County Football League Premiership - Leicestershire Senior League Division 2 - Liverpool County Premier League Division 2 - Manchester Football League Division 2 - Mid Essex League Premier Division - Mid Sussex League Division 1 - Middlesex County League Division 2 - Midland Football League Division 4 - Midlands Regional Alliance Division 1 - North Berkshire League Division 2 - North Bucks and District Intermediate Division - North Devon League Senior Division - Northamptonshire Combination Division 2 - Northern Alliance Division 2 - Nottinghamshire Senior League Division 2 North - Nottinghamshire Senior League Division 2 South - Oxfordshire Senior League Division 2 - Peterborough & District Football League Division 2 - Plymouth & West Devon Football League Division 1 - Sheffield & Hallamshire County Senior League Division 2 - Somerset County League Division 2 - South Devon League Division 1 - Southampton Saturday Football League Premier Division - Southend Borough Combination Premier - Staffordshire County Senior League Division 2 North - Staffordshire County Senior League Division 2 South - Suffolk & Ipswich League Division 2 - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Division 2 - Swindon & District League Division 1 - Thames Valley Premier League Division 2 - Trelawny League Premier Division - West Cheshire League Division 3 - West Lancashire League Division 2 - West Sussex League Championship North - West Sussex League Championship South - West Yorkshire League Division 2 - Witney and District League Premier Division - York Football League Division 2 - Yorkshire Amateur League Championship - Aldershot & District League Division 1 - Anglian Combination Division 3 - Aylesbury and District League Division 2 - Banbury District & Lord Jersey FA Division 1 - Bedfordshire County Football League Division 3 - Bristol and District League Senior Division - Bristol and Suburban League Division 1 - Cambridgeshire County League Division 1A - Cambridgeshire County League Division 1B - Coventry Alliance Football League Division 1 - Craven and District League Premier Division - Crook and District League Division 2 - Devon & Exeter League Division 2 East - Devon & Exeter League Division 2 West - Doncaster Rovers Saturday League Premier - Dorset Football League Division 2 - Duchy League Division 1 - East Berkshire League Division 2 - East Sussex League Division 2 - Essex & Suffolk Border League Division 3 - Essex Alliance Division 2 - Essex Olympian League Division 3 - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Premier Division North - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Premier Division South - Herefordshire League Division 1 - Hertford and District League Division 1 - Hertfordshire County Senior League Division 3 - Hope Valley League Premier Division - Kent County League Division 3 Central & East - Kent County League Division 3 West - Kingston and District League Premier Division - Lancashire Amateur League Division 1 - Leicestershire County Football League Championship - Manchester Football League Division 3 - Mid Essex League Division 1 - Mid Lancashire Football League Premier - Mid Sussex League Division 2 North - Mid Sussex League Division 2 South - Middlesex County League Division 3 - Midlands Regional Alliance Division 2 - North Berkshire League Division 3 - North Bucks and District Division 1 - North Devon League Intermediate Division 1 - Northamptonshire Combination Division 3 - Northern Alliance Division 3 - Nottinghamshire Senior League Foundation Division - Peterborough & District Football League Division 3 - Plymouth & West Devon Football League Division 2 - Somerset County League Division 3 - South Devon League Division 2 - Southampton Saturday Football League Senior Division 1 - Suffolk & Ipswich League Division 3 - Thames Valley Premier League Division 3 - Thames Valley Premier League Division 4 - Trelawny League Division 1 - Wakefield and District League Premier - West Sussex League Division 2 North - West Sussex League Division 2 South - Westmorland League Division 1 - Witney and District League Division 1 - Yeovil and District League Premier Division - York Football League Division 3 - Yorkshire Amateur League Division 1 - Anglian Combination Division 4 - Aylesbury and District League Division 3 - Banbury District & Lord Jersey FA Division 2 - Bedfordshire County Football League Division 4 - Bristol and District League Division 1 - Bristol and Suburban League Division 2 - Cambridgeshire County League Division 2A - Cambridgeshire County League Division 2B - Coventry Alliance Football League Division 2 - Craven and District League Division 1 - Devon & Exeter League Division 3 East - Devon & Exeter League Division 3 West - Doncaster Rovers Saturday League Division 1 - Dorset Football League Division 3 - Duchy League Division 2 - East Berkshire League Division 3 - East Sussex League Division 3 - Essex & Suffolk Border League Division 4 - Essex Alliance Division 3 - Essex Olympian League Division 4 - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Division 1 North - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Division 1 South - Herefordshire League Division 2 - Hertford and District League Division 2 - Hope Valley League A Division - Kingston and District League Division 1 - Lancashire Amateur League Division 2 - Leicestershire County Football League Division 1 - Manchester Football League Division 4 - Mid Essex League Division 2 - Mid Somerset League Premier Division - Mid Sussex League Division 3 North - Mid Sussex League Division 3 South - Middlesex County League Combination - North Bucks and District Division 2 - Northamptonshire Combination Division 4 - Peterborough & District Football League Division 4 - South Devon League Division 3 - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Junior Division 1 - Trelawny League Division 2 - Wakefield and District League Division 1 - West Sussex League Division 3 North - West Sussex League Division 3 South - Westmorland League Division 2 - Witney and District League Division 2 - Yeovil and District League Division 1 - York Football League Division 4 - Anglian Combination Division 5 North - Anglian Combination Division 5 South - Banbury District & Lord Jersey FA Division 3 - Bedfordshire County Football League Division 5 - Cambridgeshire County League Division 3A - Cambridgeshire County League Division 3B - Cambridgeshire County League Division 3C - Coventry Alliance Football League Division 3 - Craven and District League Division 2 - Devon & Exeter League Division 4 Central - Devon & Exeter League Division 4 East - Devon & Exeter League Division 4 West - Dorset Football League Division 4 - East Sussex League Division 4 - Essex Olympian League Division 5 - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Division 2 North - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Division 2 South - Hope Valley League B Division - Lancashire Amateur League Division 3 - Leicestershire County Football League Division 2 - Manchester Football League Division 5 - Mid Essex League Division 3 - Mid Somerset League Division One - Mid Sussex League Division 4 North - Mid Sussex League Division 4 South - Peterborough & District Football League Division 5 - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Junior Division 2 - Trelawny League Division 3 - Wakefield and District League Division 2 - West Sussex League Division 4 Central - West Sussex League Division 4 North - West Sussex League Division 4 South - Westmorland League Division 3 - Witney and District League Division 3 - Yeovil and District League Division 2 - Cambridgeshire County League Division 4A - Cambridgeshire County League Division 4B - Cambridgeshire County League Division 4C - Central & South Norfolk League Division 1 - Coventry Alliance Football League Division 4 - Craven and District League Division 3 - Dorset Football League Division 5 - East Sussex League Division 5 - Guildford and Woking Alliance League Division 3 - Lancashire Amateur League Division 4 - Leicestershire County Football League Division 3 - Mid Essex League Division 4 - Mid Somerset League Division Two - Mid Sussex League Division 5 North East - Mid Sussex League Division 5 North West - Mid Sussex League Division 5 South - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Junior Division 3 - Trelawny League Division 4 - Westmorland League Division 4 - Central & South Norfolk League Division 2 - Lancashire Amateur League Division 5 - Mid Essex League Division 5 - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Junior Division 4 - Central & South Norfolk League Division 3 - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Junior Division 5 - Central & South Norfolk League Division 4 - Surrey South Eastern Combination Intermediate League Junior Division 6 - Premier League 2 Division 1 - Premier League 2 Division 2 - Professional Development League North - Professional Development League South - U18 Premier League North - U18 Premier League South - U18 Professional Development League North - U18 Professional Development League South - EFL Youth Alliance North East - EFL Youth Alliance North West - EFL Youth Alliance South East - EFL Youth Alliance South West - FA Womens Super League - FA Womens Championship - FA Womens National League Northern Premier Division - FA Womens National League Southern Premier Division - FA Womens National League Division 1 Midlands - FA Womens National League Division 1 North - FA Womens National League Division 1 South East - FA Womens National League Division 1 South West - East Midlands Regional Womens Football League Premier Division - Eastern Region Womens Football League Premier Division - London and South East Womens Regional League Premier - North East Regional Womens Football League Premier Division - North West Womens Regional Football League Premier Division - South West Womens Regional League Premier Division - Southern Region Womens Football League Premier Division - West Midlands Regional Womens Football League Premier Division - East Midlands Regional Womens Football League Division 1 North - East Midlands Regional Womens Football League Division 1 South - Eastern Region Womens Football League Division 1 North - Eastern Region Womens Football League Division 1 South - Greater London Womens Football League Premier Division - London and South East Womens Regional League Division 1 North - London and South East Womens Regional League Division 1 South - North East Regional Womens Football League Division 1 North - North East Regional Womens Football League Division 1 South - South West Womens Regional League Division 1 East - South West Womens Regional League Division 1 North - South West Womens Regional League Division 1 West - Southern Region Womens Football League Division 1 South - West Midlands Regional Womens Football League Division 1 North - West Midlands Regional Womens Football League Division 1 South - Greater London Womens Football League Division 1 North - Greater London Womens Football League Division 1 South - Amateur Football Combination Premier - Amateur Football Combination Senior Division 1 North - Amateur Football Combination Senior Division 1 South - Amateur Football Combination Senior Division 2 North - Amateur Football Combination Senior Division 2 South - Bristol Premier Sunday League - BUCS Teams - Chippenham & Bath Sunday League - Cumberland County League Division 1 - Cumberland County League Premier Division - East Lancashire Football League - Isthmian League Development Division North - Isthmian League Development Division South - Lancashire and Cheshire AFL Division 1 - Lancashire and Cheshire AFL Premier Division - London Underground League Division 1 - London Underground League Division 2 - Mid Essex Football League - Development Division - Middlesex County League Jeff Nardin Division - Midland Football League U21 East - Midland Football League U21 North West - Midland Football League U21 South West - Other Non League and Sunday League Teams - Other Reserve, Youth and Development Teams - Other Womens teams - Perry Street And District League Division 1 - Perry Street And District League Division 2 - Perry Street And District League Premier Division - Sheffield & District Fair Play League Division 1 - Sheffield & District Fair Play League Division 2 - Sheffield & District Fair Play League Division 3 - Southern Amateur League Division 1 - Southern Amateur League Division 2 - Southern Amateur League Division 3 - Southern Amateur League Intermediate Division 1 - Southern Amateur League Intermediate Division 2 - Southern Amateur League Intermediate Division 3 - Watford Sunday Football League - Wensleydale Creamery Football League - West Yorkshire League Alliance Division 1 - West Yorkshire League Alliance Division 2 Scotland - Scottish Premiership - Scottish Championship - Scottish League 1 - Scottish League 2 - Highland Football League - Lowland Football League - East of Scotland Football League - Premier Division - North Caledonian Football League - Scottish Midlands Football League - SJFA North Premier Division - South of Scotland Football League - West of Scotland Football League Premier Division - East of Scotland Football League First Division - SJFA North Championship - West of Scotland Football League First Division - East of Scotland Football League Second Division - West of Scotland Football League Second Division - East of Scotland Football League Third Division - West of Scotland Football League Third Division - West of Scotland Football League Fourth Division - Scottish Womens Premier League 1 - Scottish Womens Premier League 2 - Scottish Women's Championship - Scottish Women's League One - SWFL North - SWFL South - Aberdeenshire AFA Premier Division - Ayrshire AFA Premier League - Caithness AFA - East League - Caithness AFA - West League - Lewis and Harris League - Strathspey & Badenoch Welfare League - Aberdeenshire AFA Division One (E) - Aberdeenshire AFA Division One (N) - Ayrshire AFA First Division - Aberdeenshire AFA Division Two (E) - Aberdeenshire AFA Division Two (N) - Ayrshire AFA Division 2A - Ayrshire AFA Division 2B - Other Scottish Teams - Other Scottish Womens Teams - SPFL Reserve League 1 - SPFL Reserve League 2 Wales - Cymru Premier - Cymru North - Cymru South - Ardal League North East - Ardal League North West - Ardal League South East - Ardal League South West - Central Wales League (North) - Central Wales League (South) - Gwent County League Premier Division - North East Wales League Premier Division - North Wales Coast East Football League Premier Division - North Wales Coast West Football League Premier Division - South Wales Alliance League Premier Division - West Wales Premier League - Carmarthenshire League Premier Division - Ceredigion League Division 1 - Gwent County League Division 1 - Montgomeryshire Amateur League - Neath and District League Premier Division - North East Wales League Championship - North Wales Coast East Football League Division 1 - North Wales Coast West Football League Division 1 - Pembrokeshire League Division 1 - South Wales Alliance League Division 1 - Swansea Senior League Division 1 - Aberystwyth League Division 2 - Carmarthenshire League Division 1 - Ceredigion League Division 2 - Gwent County League Division 2 - Montgomeryshire League Division 2 - Neath and District League Division 1 - Pembrokeshire League Division 2 - South Wales Alliance League Division 2 - Swansea Senior League Division 2 - Aberdare Valley League Premier Division - Bridgend and District League Premier Division - Cardiff and District League Premier Division - Cardiff Combination League Premier Division - Carmarthenshire League Division 2 - Ceredigion League Division 3 - East Gwent League Division 1 - Gwent Central League Division 1 - Merthyr and District League Premier Division - Neath and District League Division 2 - Newport and District League Premier X Division - North Gwent League Premier Division - Pembrokeshire League Division 3 - Port Talbot Football League - Rhondda & District League Premier Division - Swansea Senior League Division 3 - Taff Ely & Rhymney Valley Alliance League Premier Division - Aberdare Valley League Division 1 - Bridgend and District League Division 1 - Cardiff and District League Division 1 - East Gwent League Division 2 - Gwent Central League Division 2 - Pembrokeshire League Division 4 - Rhondda & District League Championship - Taff Ely & Rhymney Valley Alliance League Division 1 - Bridgend and District League Division 2 - Cardiff and District League Division 2 - Newport and District League Division 1 - Newport and District League Premier Y Division - Pembrokeshire League Division 5 - Cardiff and District League Division 3 - Newport and District League Division 2 - Genero Adran Premier - Genero Adran North - Genero Adran South - Other Welsh Teams - Wales TBC - Welsh Ladies Teams Northern Ireland - NIFL Premiership - NIFL Championship - NIFL Premier Intermediate League - Ballymena & Provincial League Intermediate Division 1 - Mid-Ulster Football League Intermediate A - Northern Amateur League Premier Division - Ballymena & Provincial League Intermediate Division 2 - Mid-Ulster Football League Intermediate B - Northern Amateur League Division 1A - Northern Amateur League Division 1B - Northern Amateur League Division 1C - Womens Premiership - Northern Irish Youth Teams - Other Northern Irish Teams - Other Northern Irish Womens Teams Republic of Ireland - League of Ireland Premier Division - League of Ireland First Division - Leinster Senior League Senior Division - Munster Senior League Senior Premier Division - Leinster Senior League Major 1 - Munster Senior League Senior 1st Division - Leinster Senior League Major 1A - Munster Senior League Senior 2nd Division - Leinster Senior League Major 1B - Amateur Football League Premier - Athletic Union League - Carlow & District Football League - Clare District Soccer League Premier - Combined Counties Football League Senior - Cork Athletic Union League Premier - Cork Business League Premier - Donegal Junior League Premier - Drogheda Summer League - Dundalk Summer League - Galway and District League Premier Division - Inishowen Football League Premier - Kerry District League Premier A - Kildare & District Football League - Kilkenny & District Soccer League - Leinster Football League Development League - Leinster Senior League Major 1C - Limerick & District League Premier - Limerick Desmond League - Mayo Super League - Monaghan Cavan Senior League Premier - Munster Senior League Junior Premier Division - North East Football League - North Tipperary & District Soccer League Premier - Roscommon and District Football League Premier - Sligo/Leitrim & District Super League - Tipperary Southern & District Football League Premier - United Churches Football League - Waterford & District Junior League - West Cork League Premier - West Waterford East Cork Junior League - Wexford Football League - Wicklow & District Football League - Womens National League - . - Irish Ladies Teams - Other Irish Teams France - Ligue 1 - Ligue 2 - Championnat National - Championnat National 2 (Group A) - Championnat National 2 (Group B) - Championnat National 2 (Group C) - Championnat National 2 (Group D) - Championnat National 3 Auvergne Rhone Alpes - Championnat National 3 Bourgogne Franche Comte - Championnat National 3 Bretagne - Championnat National 3 Centre Val de Loire - Championnat National 3 Corse Mediterranee - Championnat National 3 Grand Est - Championnat National 3 Hauts de France - Championnat National 3 Normandie - Championnat National 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine - Championnat National 3 Occitanie - Championnat National 3 Paris Ile de France - Championnat National 3 Pays de la Loire - Regional 1 Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Poule A - Regional 1 Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Poule B - Regional 1 Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Poule C - Regional 1 Corsica - Regional 1 Grand-Est Groupe A - Regional 1 Grand-Est Groupe B - Regional 1 Grand-Est Groupe C - Regional 1 Grand-Est Groupe D - Regional 1 Mediterranee - Regional 1 Nouvelle-Aquitaine Poule 1 - Regional 1 Nouvelle-Aquitaine Poule 2 - Regional 1 Nouvelle-Aquitaine Poule 3 - Division 1 Feminine - Division 2 Feminine Group A - Division 2 Feminine Group B - Other French Teams - Other French Women Teams Spain - Primera Liga - Segunda Liga - Primera Federacion Grupo 1 - Primera Federacion Grupo 2 - Segunda Federacion Grupo 1 - Segunda Federacion Grupo 2 - Segunda Federacion Grupo 3 - Segunda Federacion Grupo 4 - Segunda Federacion Grupo 5 - Tercera Federacion Grupo 1 (Galicia) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 10 (Western Andalusia and Ceuta) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 11 (Balearic) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 12 (Canarias) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 13 (Murcia) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 14 (Extremadura) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 15 (Navarre) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 16 (La Rioja) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 17 (Aragon) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 18 (Castilla-La Mancha) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 2 (Asturias) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 3 (Cantabria) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 4 (Basque) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 5 (Catalonia) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 6 (Valencia) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 7 (Community of Madrid) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 8 (Castile & Leon) - Tercera Federacion Grupo 9 (Eastern Andalusia and Melilla) - Liga F - . - . - . - Other Spanish Teams - Other Spanish Womens Teams - Spanish Youth Teams Italy - Serie A - Serie B - Serie C - Girone A - Serie C - Girone B - Serie C - Girone C - Serie D - Girone A - Serie D - Girone B - Serie D - Girone C - Serie D - Girone D - Serie D - Girone E - Serie D - Girone F - Serie D - Girone G - Serie D - Girone H - Serie D - Girone I - Serie A Femminile - Italy Other Womens Teams - Italy Youth And Development Teams - Other Italian Teams Germany - Bundesliga - 2 Bundesliga - 3 Liga - Regionalliga Bayern - Regionalliga Nord Staffel Nord - Regionalliga Nord Staffel Sud - Regionalliga Nordost - Regionalliga Sudwest - Regionalliga West - Bayernliga Nord - Bayernliga Sud - Bremenliga - Hessenliga - Mittelrheinliga - Oberliga Baden-Wurttemburg - Oberliga Hamburg - Oberliga Niederrhein - Oberliga Niedersachsen - Oberliga Nordost Staffel Nord - Oberliga Nordost Staffel Sud - Oberliga Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar - Oberliga Westfalen - Schleswig-Holstein-Liga - Berlin-Liga - Brandenburgliga - Landesliga Bayern Staffel Mitte - Landesliga Bayern Staffel Nordost - Landesliga Bayern Staffel Nordwest - Landesliga Bayern Staffel Sudost - Landesliga Bayern Staffel Sudwest - Landesliga Braunschweig - Landesliga Bremen - Landesliga Hamburg Staffel Hammonia - Landesliga Hamburg Staffel Hansa - Landesliga Hannover - Landesliga Holstein - Landesliga Luneburg - Landesliga Mittelrhein Staffel 1 - Landesliga Mittelrhein Staffel 2 - Landesliga Niederrhein Gruppe 1 - Landesliga Niederrhein Gruppe 2 - Landesliga Schleswig - Landesliga Weser-Ems - Rheinlandliga - Saarlandliga - Sachsenliga - Verbandsliga Baden - Verbandsliga Hessen Staffel Mitte - Verbandsliga Hessen Staffel Nord - Verbandsliga Hessen Staffel Sud - Verbandsliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Verbandsliga Sachsen-Anhalt - Verbandsliga Sudbaden - Verbandsliga Sudwest - Verbandsliga Thuringen - Verbandsliga Wurttemburg - Westfalenliga Staffel 1 - Westfalenliga Staffel 2 - Bezirksliga Braunschweig 1 - Bezirksliga Braunschweig 2 - Bezirksliga Braunschweig 3 - Bezirksliga Braunschweig 4 - Bezirksliga Bremen - Bezirksliga Hamburg Nord - Bezirksliga Hamburg Ost - Bezirksliga Hamburg Sud - Bezirksliga Hamburg West - Bezirksliga Hannover 1 - Bezirksliga Hannover 2 - Bezirksliga Hannover 3 - Bezirksliga Hannover 4 - Bezirksliga Luneburg 1 - Bezirksliga Luneburg 2 - Bezirksliga Luneburg 3 - Bezirksliga Luneburg 4 - Bezirksliga Mittelfranken Nord - Bezirksliga Mittelfranken Sud - Bezirksliga Mittelrhein 1 - Bezirksliga Mittelrhein 2 - Bezirksliga Mittelrhein 3 - Bezirksliga Mittelrhein 4 - Bezirksliga Niederbayern Ost - Bezirksliga Niederbayern West - Bezirksliga Niederrhein 1 - Bezirksliga Niederrhein 2 - Bezirksliga Niederrhein 3 - Bezirksliga Niederrhein 4 - Bezirksliga Niederrhein 5 - Bezirksliga Niederrhein 6 - Bezirksliga Oberbayern Nord - Bezirksliga Oberbayern Ost - Bezirksliga Oberbayern Sud - Bezirksliga Oberfranken Ost - Bezirksliga Oberfranken West - Bezirksliga Oberpfalz Nord - Bezirksliga Oberpfalz Sud - Bezirksliga Rheinland Mitte - Bezirksliga Rheinland Ost - Bezirksliga Rheinland West - Bezirksliga Schwaben Nord - Bezirksliga Schwaben Sud - Bezirksliga Unterfranken Ost - Bezirksliga Unterfranken West - Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 1 - Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 2 - Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 3 - Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 4 - Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 5 - Gruppenliga Darmstadt - Gruppenliga Frankfurt Ost - Gruppenliga Frankfurt West - Gruppenliga Fulda - Gruppenliga Giessen/Marburg - Gruppenliga Kassel 1 - Gruppenliga Kassel 2 - Gruppenliga Wiesbaden - Landesklasse Sachsen Mitte - Landesklasse Sachsen Nord - Landesklasse Sachsen Ost - Landesklasse Sachsen West - Landesklasse Thuringen 1 - Landesklasse Thuringen 2 - Landesklasse Thuringen 3 - Landesliga Berlin 1 - Landesliga Berlin 2 - Landesliga Brandenburg Nord - Landesliga Brandenburg Sud - Landesliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Ost - Landesliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern West - Landesliga Mittelbaden - Landesliga Odenwald - Landesliga Rhein-Neckar - Landesliga Sachsen-Anhalt Nord - Landesliga Sachsen-Anhalt Sud - Landesliga Sudbaden 1 - Landesliga Sudbaden 2 - Landesliga Sudbaden 3 - Landesliga Sudwest Ost - Landesliga Sudwest West - Landesliga Westfalen 1 - Landesliga Westfalen 2 - Landesliga Westfalen 3 - Landesliga Westfalen 4 - Landesliga Wurttemburg 1 - Landesliga Wurttemburg 2 - Landesliga Wurttemburg 3 - Landesliga Wurttemburg 4 - Verbandsliga Saarland Nord/Ost - Verbandsliga Saarland Sud/West - Verbandsliga Schleswig-Holstein Nord - Verbandsliga Schleswig-Holstein Ost - Verbandsliga Schleswig-Holstein Sud - Verbandsliga Schleswig-Holstein West - Bezirksliga Westfalen Staffel 1 - Bezirksliga Westfalen Staffel 5 - Bezirksliga Westfalen Staffel 6 - FV - Niederrhein MG-VIE - Kreisliga A - FV - Niederrhein Wuppertal - Kreisliga A - FV - Niederrhein MG-VIE - Kreisliga B - Frauen-Bundesliga - 2. Frauen-Bundesliga North - 2. Frauen-Bundesliga South - Futsal - German Womens Teams - German Youth Teams - Other German Teams Netherlands - Eredivisie - Eerste Divisie - Tweede Divisie - Derde Divisie (Saturday Group) - Derde Divisie (Sunday Group) - Hoofdklasse Saturday A - Hoofdklasse Saturday B - Hoofdklasse Sunday A - Hoofdklasse Sunday B - Eerste Klasse Saturday A - Eerste Klasse Saturday B - Eerste Klasse Saturday C - Eerste Klasse Saturday D - Eerste Klasse Saturday E - Eerste Klasse Sunday A - Eerste Klasse Sunday B - Eerste Klasse Sunday C - Eerste Klasse Sunday D - Eerste Klasse Sunday E - Eerste Klasse Sunday F - Tweede Klasse Saturday A - Tweede Klasse Saturday B - Tweede Klasse Saturday C - Tweede Klasse Saturday D - Tweede Klasse Saturday E - Tweede Klasse Saturday F - Tweede Klasse Saturday G - Tweede Klasse Saturday H - Tweede Klasse Saturday I - Tweede Klasse Saturday J - Tweede Klasse Sunday A - Tweede Klasse Sunday B - Tweede Klasse Sunday C - Tweede Klasse Sunday D - Tweede Klasse Sunday E - Tweede Klasse Sunday F - Tweede Klasse Sunday G - Tweede Klasse Sunday H - Tweede Klasse Sunday I - Tweede Klasse Sunday J - Tweede Klasse Sunday K - Tweede Klasse Sunday L - Eredivisie Vrouwen - Other Dutch Teams Portugal - Primeira Liga - Liga Portugal 2 - Liga 3 Serie A - Liga 3 Serie B - Campeonato de Portugal Prio Group A - Campeonato de Portugal Prio Group B - Campeonato de Portugal Prio Group C - Campeonato de Portugal Prio Group D - Campeonato Nacional Feminino - Other Portuguese Teams - Other Portuguese Womens Teams - Portuguese Youth Teams Belgium - First Division A - Challenger Pro League - Division 1 ACFF - Eerste Afdeling VV - Division 2 ACFF - Division 2 VFV A - Division 2 VFV B - Division 3 ACFF A - Division 3 ACFF B - Division 3 VFV A - Division 3 VFV B - Provincial Antwerpen - Provincial Brabant ACFF - Provincial Brabant VFV - Provincial Hainaut - Provincial Liege - Provincial Limburg - Provincial Luxembourg - Provincial Namur - Provincial Oost-Vlaanderen - Provincial West-Vlaanderen - Super League Vrouwenvoetbal - Other Belgian Teams Greece - Super League - Super League 2 Group North - Super League 2 Group South - Gamma Ethniki Group 1 - Gamma Ethniki Group 2 - Gamma Ethniki Group 3 - Gamma Ethniki Group 4 - Gamma Ethniki Group 5 - Gamma Ethniki Group 6 - Gamma Ethniki Group 7 - Greek Womens Teams - Other Greek Teams Turkey - Super Lig - 1. Lig - 2 Lig Beyaz Grup - 2 Lig Kirmizi Grup - 3. Lig 4. Grup - 3. Lig 1. Grup - 3. Lig 2. Grup - 3. Lig 3. Grup - Other Turkish Teams - Turkish Womens Teams Romania - Liga I - Liga II - Romanian Teams Denmark - Superliga - 1 Division - 2 Division - 3 Division - Danmarksserien Pulje 1 - Danmarksserien Pulje 2 - Danmarksserien Pulje 3 - Danmarksserien Pulje 4 - Albaniserien - Jyllandsserien 1 pulje 1 - Jyllandsserien 1 Pulje 2 - Kobenhavnsserien - Sjællandsserien Pulje 1 - Sjællandsserien Pulje 2 - Bornholmsserien - DBU Fyn Serie 1 Pulje 1 - DBU Fyn Serie 1 Pulje 2 - DBU Fyn Serie 1 Pulje 3 - DBU Fyn Serie 1 Pulje 4 - DBU København Serie 1 Pulje 1 - DBU København Serie 1 Pulje 2 - DBU Sjælland Serie 1 Pulje 2 - DBU Sjælland Serie 1 Pulje 1 - Jyllandsserien 2 pulje 3 - Jyllandsserien 2 Pulje 4 - Jyllandsserien 2 Pulje 5 - Lolland-Falster Serien - DBU Jylland Serie 1 Pulje 06 - DBU Jylland Serie 1 Pulje 07 - DBU Jylland Serie 1 Pulje 08 - DBU Jylland Serie 1 Pulje 09 - DBU Jylland Serie 1 Pulje 10 - DBU Jylland Serie 1 Pulje 11 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 12 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 13 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 14 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 15 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 16 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 17 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 18 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 19 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 20 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 21 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 22 - DBU Jylland Serie 2 Pulje 23 - DBU Sjælland Serie 2 Pulje 1 - DBU Sjælland Serie 2 Pulje 2 - DBU Sjælland Serie 2 Pulje 3 - DBU Sjælland Serie 2 Pulje 4 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 24 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 25 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 26 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 27 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 28 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 29 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 30 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 31 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 32 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 33 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 34 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 35 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 36 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 37 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 38 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 39 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 40 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 41 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 42 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 43 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 44 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 45 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 46 - DBU Jylland Serie 3 Pulje 47 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 48 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 49 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 50 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 51 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 52 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 53 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 54 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 55 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 56 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 57 - DBu Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 58 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 59 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 60 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 61 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 62 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 63 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 64 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 65 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 66 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 67 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 68 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 69 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 70 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 71 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 72 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 73 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 74 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 75 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 76 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 77 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 78 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 79 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 80 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 81 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 82 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 83 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 84 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 85 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 86 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 87 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 88 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 89 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 90 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 91 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 92 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 93 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 94 - DBU Jylland Serie 4 Pulje 95 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 201 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 202 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 203 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 204 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 205 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 206 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 207 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 208 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 209 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 210 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 211 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 212 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 213 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 214 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 215 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 216 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 217 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 218 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 219 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 220 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 221 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 222 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 223 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 224 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 225 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 226 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 227 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 228 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 229 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 230 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 231 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 232 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 233 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 234 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 235 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 236 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 237 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 238 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 239 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 240 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 241 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 242 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 243 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 244 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 245 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 246 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 247 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.1 Pulje 248 - DBU Jylland Serie 5.2 Pulje 251 - Elitedivisionen - 1. Division - Kvalifikationsspil (not active) - 2. Division - Kvalifikationsspil (not active) - 3. Division - Kvalifikationsspil (not active) - Danmarksserien Oprykning (not active) - Superliga - Kvalifikationsspil (not active) - Other Danish Teams - Other Danish Women Teams Switzerland - Super League - Challenge League - Promotion League - 1. Liga Classic Gruppe 1 - 1. Liga Classic Gruppe 2 - 1. Liga Classic Gruppe 3 - 2. Liga Interregional Gruppe 1 - 2. Liga Interregional Gruppe 2 - 2. Liga Interregional Gruppe 3 - 2. Liga Interregional Gruppe 4 - 2. Liga Interregional Gruppe 5 - 2. Liga Interregional Gruppe 6 - 2. Liga Aargau - 2. Liga Bern/Jura Gruppe 1 - 2. Liga Bern/Jura Gruppe 2 - 2. Liga Fribourg - 2. Liga Geneve - 2. Liga Innerschweiz - 2. Liga Neuchatel - 2. Liga Nordwestschweiz - 2. Liga Ostschweiz Gruppe 1 - 2. Liga Ostschweiz Gruppe 2 - 2. Liga Region Zurich Gruppe 1 - 2. Liga Region Zurich Gruppe 2 - 2. Liga Solothurn - 2. Liga Ticino - 2. Liga Valais - 2. Liga Vaud Groupe 1 - 2. Liga Vaud Groupe 2 - Nationalliga A - Other Swiss Teams - Swiss Ladies Teams Austria - Bundesliga - 2. Liga - Regionalliga Mitte - Regionalliga Ost - Regionalliga West - Landesliga Burgenland - Landesliga Karnten - Landesliga Niederosterreich - Landesliga Oberosterreich - Landesliga Salzburg - Landesliga Steiermark - Landesliga Tirol - Landesliga Vorarlberg - Landesliga Wien - OFB-Frauenliga - . - . - Austrian Youth Teams - Other Austrian Teams - Other Austrian Womens Teams Norway - Eliteserien - Norwegian First Division - 2 Divisjon Avdeling 1 - 2 Divisjon Avdeling 2 - 3 Divisjon Avdeling 1 - 3 Divisjon Avdeling 2 - 3 Divisjon Avdeling 3 - 3 Divisjon Avdeling 4 - 3 Divisjon Avdeling 5 - 3 Divisjon Avdeling 6 - 4 Divisjon Agder - 4 Divisjon Akershus - 4 Divisjon Buskerud - 4 Divisjon Finnmark - 4 Divisjon Halogaland - 4 Divisjon Hordaland Avdeling 1 - 4 Divisjon Hordaland Avdeling 2 - 4 Divisjon Indre Ostland - 4 Divisjon Nordland - 4 Divisjon Nordmore og Romsdal - 4 Divisjon Oslo Avdeling 1 - 4 Divisjon Oslo Avdeling 2 - 4 Divisjon Ostfold - 4 Divisjon Rogaland Avdeling 1 - 4 Divisjon Rogaland Avdeling 2 - 4 Divisjon Sogn og Fjordane - 4 Divisjon Sunnmore - 4 Divisjon Telemark - 4 Divisjon Troms - 4 Divisjon Trondelag Avdeling 1 - 4 Divisjon Trondelag Avdeling 2 - 4 Divisjon Vestfold - Toppserien - Norwegian Ladies Teams - Other Norwegian Teams Sweden - Allsvenskan - Superettan - Division 1 Norra - Division 1 Sodra - Division 2 Norra Gotaland - Division 2 Norra Svealand - Division 2 Norrland - Division 2 Sodra Gotaland - Division 2 Sodra Svealand - Division 2 Vastra Gotaland - Division 3 Mellersta Gotaland - Division 3 Mellersta Norrland - Division 3 Nordostra Gotaland - Division 3 Nordvastra Gotaland - Division 3 Norra Norrland - Division 3 Norra Svealand - Division 3 Sodra Gotaland - Division 3 Sodra Norrland - Division 3 Sodra Svealand - Division 3 Sydostra Gotaland - Division 3 Sydvastra Gotaland - Division 3 Vastra Svealand - Damallsvenskan - Other Swedish Teams - Other Swedish Womens Teams - Sweden Youth Teams Russia - Premier League - FNL - PFL Gold - PFL Silver - Russian Womens Football Championship - . - . - . - . - Other Russian Teams - Russian Womens Teams - Russian Youth Teams USA - MLS Eastern Conference - MLS Western Conference - USL Championship Eastern Conference - USL Championship Western Conference - MLS Next Pro Eastern Conference - MLS Next Pro Western Conference - National Independent Soccer Association East - National Independent Soccer Association West - USL League 1 - National Premier Soccer League Gateway Conference - National Premier Soccer League Golden Gate Conference - National Premier Soccer League Great Lakes Conference - National Premier Soccer League Gulf Coast Conference - National Premier Soccer League Heartland Conference - National Premier Soccer League Keystone East Conference - National Premier Soccer League Keystone West Conference - National Premier Soccer League Lone Star Conference - National Premier Soccer League Mid-Atlantic Conference - National Premier Soccer League North Atlantic Conference - National Premier Soccer League North Conference - National Premier Soccer League Southeast Conference - National Premier Soccer League Southwest Conference - NISA Nation Pacific Region East - NISA Nation Pacific Region West - NISA Nation Southwest Region East - NISA Nation Southwest Region West - NISA Nation Texas Region - NISA Nation Upstate NY - UPSL Arizona Division - UPSL Colorado Division - UPSL DMV North Division - UPSL DMV South Division - UPSL Florida Central Division - UPSL Florida South Division - UPSL Florida West Division - UPSL Gateway Division - UPSL Georgia Division - UPSL KY-TN Division - UPSL Mid Atlantic Division - UPSL Midwest Central North - UPSL Midwest Central South - UPSL Midwest East Division - UPSL Midwest South Division - UPSL Midwest West Division - UPSL Mountain West Division - UPSL New England Division - UPSL NorCal North Division - UPSL Norcal South Division - UPSL Northeast American Division North - UPSL Northeast American Division South - UPSL Ohio Division - UPSL OK - AR - UPSL Pacific Oregon Division - UPSL SoCal North Division - UPSL SoCal South Division - UPSL Texas Central Division - UPSL Texas North Division - UPSL Texas South Division - UPSL Washington Division - UPSL West Texas New Mexico Division - UPSL Western NY Division - USL League Two South Atlantic Division - USL League Two Southeast Division - USL League Two Southwest Division - USL League Two Chesapeake Division - USL League Two Deep North Division - USL League Two Great Lakes Division - USL League Two Heartland Division - USL League Two Lone Star Division - USL League Two Metropolitan Division - USL League Two Mid Atlantic Division - USL League Two Mid South Division - USL League Two Mountain Division - USL League Two NorCal Division - USL League Two North East Division - USL League Two Northwest Division - USL League Two South Central Division - USL League Two South Florida Division - USL League Two Valley Division - Cascadia Premier League Baker Division - Cascadia Premier League Ranier Division - Eastern Premier Soccer League Delaware River Conference - Eastern Premier Soccer League Metropolitan Conference - Eastern Premier Soccer League Mid-Atlantic Conference - Eastern Premier Soccer League Northeast Conference - Florida Gold Coast League Local Division - Florida Gold Coast League Metro Division - Gulf Coast Premier League Eastern Conference - Gulf Coast Premier League Western Conference - Metroplex Premier League Blue - Metroplex Premier League Red - Midwest Premier League Gateway Division - Midwest Premier League Great Lakes East Division - Midwest Premier League Great Lakes West Division - Midwest Premier League Heartland Division 1 - Mountain Premier League East Region - Mountain Premier League West Region - Southwest Premier League Arizona Premier - Southwest Premier League Nevada Premier - Southwest Premier League Pacific Premier - Southwest Premier League San Diego Premier - Southwest Premier League SoCal Premier League - UPSL Division 1 Arizona - UPSL Division 1 Florida Central Zone 1 - UPSL Division 1 Florida Central Zone 2 - UPSL Division 1 Florida South Zone 1 - UPSL Division 1 Florida South Zone 2 - UPSL Division 1 Florida South Zone 3 - UPSL Division 1 Florida West Zone - UPSL Division 1 Georgia - UPSL Division 1 Mid Atlatic - UPSL Division 1 Mountain West - UPSL Division 1 New England - UPSL Division 1 NorCal North - UPSL Division 1 NorCal South - UPSL Division 1 Northeast American - North - UPSL Division 1 Northeast American - South - UPSL Division 1 SoCal East - UPSL Division 1 Socal North - UPSL Division 1 Socal South - UPSL Division 1 Texas Central Blue - UPSL Division 1 Texas Central Red - UPSL Division 1 Texas North Blue - UPSL Division 1 Texas North Red - UPSL Division 1 Texas South - Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League - Buffalo and District Soccer League - Casa Soccer League Select - Cascadia Premier 2 Cascade Division - Cascadia Premier 2 Pacific Division - Central Florida Soccer League - Colorado Premier League - Cosmopolitan Soccer League - DC Premier League - Evergreen Premier League - East Conference - Evergreen Premier League - North Conference - Evergreen Premier League - South Conference - Florida Suncoast Soccer League - Garden State Soccer League Central Division - Garden State Soccer League North Division - Greater Chicago Soccer League - Gulf Coast Premier Two - Long Island Soccer Football League - Maryland Major Soccer League Baltimore Metro Division - Maryland Major Soccer League Capital Beltway Division - Metroplex Premier League 2 - Michigan Premier Soccer League - Midwest Premier League Heartland Division 2 - Ohio Valley Premier League River - Ohio Valley Premier League Valley - Rochester District Soccer League - San Francisco Soccer Football League - Southwest Premier League SoCal Premier Second Division Coast - Southwest Premier League SoCal Premier Second Division LA IE - United Soccer League of Pennsylvania - Utah Premiership Soccer League - Washington Premier League - WCSA NorCal Premier - WCSA Oregon Premier - WCSA SoCal Premier - WCSA Utah Premier - WCSA Washington Premier - Wisconsin Primary Amateur Soccer League - National Womens Soccer League - USL Super League - Womens Independent Soccer League - United Womens Soccer - East Division - United Womens Soccer - Midwest Division - United Womens Soccer - West Division - USL W League Great Lakes Division - USL W League Heartland Division - USL W League Lone Star Division - USL W League Metropolitan Division - USL W League Mid Atlantic Division - USL W League Mountain Division - USL W League NorCal Division - USL W League Northwest Division - USL W League South Atlantic Division - USL W League South Central Division - USL W League Southeast Division - USL W League Valley Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Atlantic Conference Carolinas Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Atlantic Conference The District Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Central Heartland Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Central Mountain Rockies Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Desert Conference - Womens Premier Soccer League East Greak Lakes Lake Erie Division - Womens Premier Soccer League East Great Lakes Great River Division - Womens Premier Soccer League East Metropolitan Division - Womens Premier Soccer League East Mid Atlantic Colonial Division - Womens Premier Soccer League East Northeast Conference - Womens Premier Soccer League Lone Star Conference Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Mid Atlantic Commonwealth Conference - Womens Premier Soccer League Midwest Gateway Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Midwest Lake Michigan Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Mountain Wasatch Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Northern Conference Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Northwest Conference - Womens Premier Soccer League Pacific Northern Division - Womens Premier Soccer League SoCal Coastal Division - Womens Premier Soccer League SoCal Plymouth Division - Womens Premier Soccer League Southeast Conference - Womens Premier Soccer League Sunshine Coconut Division - American Ladies Teams - Other American Teams - Other USA Youth Teams - School, College and University Teams Japan - J1 League - J2 League - J3 League - Japan Football League - Chugoku Soccer League - Hokkaido Soccer League - Hokushinetsu Soccer League - Kansai Soccer League - Kanto Soccer League - Kyushu Soccer League - Shikoku Soccer League - Tohoku Soccer League - Tokai Soccer League - Nadeshiko League 1 - Japanese Women - Other Japanese Teams Czech Republic - Czech First League - FNL - CFL A - CFL B - MSFL - 4. Liga Divize A - 4. Liga Divize B - 4. Liga Divize C - 4. Liga Divize D - 4. Liga Divize E - 4. Liga Divize F - I Liga Zen - Other Czech Teams - Other Czech Women Australia - A League Women - A-League - Australian Championship - National Premier Leagues Women - Queensland - National Second Division - Football Queensland Premier League 1 Women - National Premier Leagues - Capital Territory - National Premier Leagues - New South Wales - National Premier Leagues - Northern New South Wales - National Premier Leagues - Queensland - National Premier Leagues - South Australia - National Premier Leagues - Tasmania - National Premier Leagues - Victoria - National Premier Leagues - Western Australia - Capital Premier League - Football Northern Territory Norzone Premier League - Football Northern Territory Southern Zone Premier League - Football Queensland Premier League 1 - Football Queensland Premier League 2 Women - New South Wales League 1 - Northern New South Wales State League 1 - South Australia State League 1 - Tasmania Northern Championship - Tasmania Southern Championship - Victoria Premier League 1 - Western Australia State League 1 - Football Queensland Premier League 2 - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Central Coast Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Darling Downs Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Far North & Gulf Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Metro Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Northern Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 South Coast Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Sunshine Coast Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Whitsunday Coast Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Wide Bay Women - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Central Coast - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Darling Downs - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Far North & Gulf - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Metro Men - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Northern - Football Queensland Premier League 3 South Coast - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Sunshine Coast - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Whitsunday Coast - Football Queensland Premier League 3 Wide Bay - Football Queensland Premier League 4 Metro Men - Football Queensland Premier League 4 South Coast - Football Queensland Premier League 5 Metro Men - Football Queensland Premier League 6 Metro Men - Tasmania Womens Super League - Tasmania Northern Championship Women - Tasmania Southern Championship Women - . - . - . - . - Other Australian Teams - Other Australian Womens Teams - Other Australian Youth Teams China - Super League - League One - League Two North - League Two South - Chines Ladies Teams - Chinese Teams Brazil - Serie A - Serie B - Serie C - Serie D - Group 1 - Serie D - Group 2 - Serie D - Group 3 - Serie D - Group 4 - Serie D - Group 5 - Serie D - Group 6 - Serie D - Group 7 - Serie D - Group 8 - Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol Feminino - Serie A1 - Brazil Youth Teams - Brazilian Womens Teams - Other Brazilian Teams Argentina - Liga Profesional Argentina - Primera Nacional A - Primera Nacional B - Primera B Metropolitano - Torneo Federal A - Group A - Torneo Federal A - Group B - Torneo Federal A - Group C - Torneo Federal A - Group D - Argentine Reserve and Youth Teams - Argentinian Womens Teams - Other Argentinian Teams Finland - Veikkausliiga - Ykkosliiga - Ykkonen - Finnish Ladies - Other Finland Teams Mexico - Liga MX - Liga de Expansion MX - Liga Premier Serie A Grupo 1 - Liga Premier Serie A Grupo 2 - Liga Premier Serie A Grupo 3 - Liga Premier Serie B Grupo 1 - Mexican Teams - Mexico Womens Teams South Korea - K-League 1 - K-League 2 - K3 League - K4 League - Other South Korean Teams Poland - Ekstraklasa - I Liga - II Liga - III Liga Grupa I - III Liga Grupa II - III Liga Grupa III - III Liga Grupa IV - Other Polish Teams Croatia - HNL - Prva NL - Druga NL - Treca HNL Centro - Treca HNL Istok - Treca HNL Jug - Treca HNL Sjever - Treca HNL Zapad - Other Croatian Teams Singapore - Singapore Premier League - Singaporean Teams Bulgaria - First Professional Football League - Second Professional Football League - Third Amateur Football League North East - Third Amateur Football League North West - Third Amateur Football League South East - Third Amateur Football League South West - Bulgaria W - Bulgarian Teams - Bulgarian Youth Teams Cyprus - First Division - Second Division - Cypriot Womens Teams - Other Cypriot Teams Hungary - Nemzeti Bajnoksag I - Nemzeti Bajnoksag II - Hungarian Womens Teams - Hungarian Teams Ukraine - Ukrainian Premier League - Persha Liga Group A - Persha Liga Group B - Druha Liga Group A - Druha Liga Group B - Ukraine Ladies Teams - Ukrainian Teams Serbia - SuperLiga - Prva Liga - Serbian Teams Israel - Ligat haAl - Liga Leumit - Israeli Teams Slovakia - Slovak Super Liga - 2 Liga - Slovakian Teams Uruguay - Primera Division - Segunda A - Segunda B - Uruguayan Teams Colombia - Categoria Primera A - Primera B - Colombian Womens Teams - Other Colombian Teams Chile - Primera Division - Primera B - Campeonato Nacional de Segunda Division - Chilean Teams Paraguay - Primera Division - Intermedia - Paraguayan Teams South Africa - Premier Soccer League - First Division - South African Teams Tunisia - Ligue 1 - Ligue 2 - Group A - Ligue 2 - Group B - , - Tunisian Teams National - AFC - CAF - CONCACAF - CONMEBOL - OFC - UEFA - CONIFA - Other National / Regional Teams Canada - Premier League - League 1 Alberta - League 1 British Columbia - League 1 Ontario Premier - Ligue 1 Quebec - Alberta Major Soccer League North - Alberta Major Soccer League South - Fraser Valley Soccer League - League Soccer Elite Quebec A - League Soccer Elite Quebec B - League1 Ontario Championship - Manitoba Major Soccer League - New Brunswick Soccer League - Newfoundland and Labrador Challenge Trophy League - Nova Scotia Soccer League - Pacific Coast Soccer League - Prince Edward Island Soccer Division - Provincial Soccer League Saskatchewan - Vancouver Island Soccer League - Vancouver Metro Soccer League - Yellowknife Soccer League (NW Terriotories) - Yukon Outdoor Championships - League2 Ontario Central - League2 Ontario Northeast - League2 Ontario Southwest - Northern Super League - League1 Alberta Women - League1 British Columbia Women - League1 Ontario Premier Women - League1 Quebec Women - Canadian Womens Teams - Other Canada Reserve and Youth Teams - Other Canadian Teams - School, College and University Teams Slovenia - PrvaLiga - 2 SNL - Slovenian Teams New Zealand - Central League - Northern League - South League - Capital Premier League - Central Federation League - Football South Premier League - Mainland Premier League - NRFL Division 1 - NZ Womens National League - New Zealand Womens Teams - NZ Youth and Reserve Teams - Other New Zealand Teams Egypt - Egyptian Premier League - Second Division A - Egyptian Teams Luxembourg - Luxembourg National Division - Eierepromotioun - 1. Division Serie 1 - 1. Division Serie 2 - Dames Ligue 1 - Luxembourg Womens Teams - Other Luxembourg Teams Venezuela - Primera - Segunda Division Centro Oriental - Segunda Division Occidental - Venezuelan Teams Lithuania - A Lyga - 1 Lyga - Lithuanian Teams Malaysia - Super League - A1 Semi-Pro League - Malaysian Teams Bosnia - Liga 12 - First League Bosnia & Herzogovina - First League Republika Srpska - other Bosnian Teams Macedonia - Macedonian First Football League - Macedonia Second League - Other Macedonian Teams Iceland - Besta deild karla - 1 Deild - 2 Deild - 3 Deild - Iceland Women - Icelandic Teams Belarus - Vysheyshaya Liga - 1 Division - Belarusian Team - Belarusian Womens Teams India - Super League - I-League - I-League 2 - Indian Womens League - Indian Reserve and Youth Teams - Indian Womens Teams - Other Indian Teams Latvia - Virsliga - 1 Liga - Latvian Teams Faroe Islands - Effodeildin - 1 Deild - 2 Deild - Faroe Teams Qatar - Stars League - Second League - Other Qatar Teams Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein Teams (No League System) Kazakhstan - Kazakh Premier League - 1 Division - Other Kazakhstan Teams Peru - Primera Division - Segunda Division - Peruvian Teams Estonia - Meistriliiga - Esiliiga A - Esiliiga B - Estonian Teams Thailand - T1 - T2 - T3 Central - T3 East - T3 North - T3 North East - T3 South - T3 West - Thai Teams United Arab Emirates - Pro League - Division 1 - Division 2 - Other UAE Teams Hong Kong - Hong Kong Premier League - Hong Kong First Division League - Hong Kong Second Division - Hong Kong Third Division - Elimination from League Botswana - Premier League - Other Botswanan Teams Isle of Man - Premier - Isle of Man Division 2 - Isle of Man Teams Vietnam - V League 1 - V League 2 - Vietnam Second Division A - Vietnam Second Division B - Other Vietnamese Teams Ecuador - Primera Categoria Serie A - Liga Pro Series B - Other Ecuador Teams Morocco - Botola - Botola 2 - Moroccan Teams - Moroccon Ladies Teams Kosovo - Football Superleague of Kosovo - Other Kosovo Teams Malta - Maltese Premier League - Challenge League - Amateur League - Maltese Womens Teams - Other Maltese Teams Georgia - Erovnuli Liga - Erovnuli Liga II - Georgian Teams - Georgian Womens Teams Azerbaijan - Topaz Premyer Liqasi - Birinici Dasta - Other Azeri Teams Moldova - Divizia Nationala - Liga 1 A - Liga 1 B - Other Moldovan Team Montenegro - Montenegrin First League - Second League - Montenegro Ladies Teams - Other Montenegrin Teams Cayman Islands - CIFA Premier League - CIFA Womens Teams - Other Cayman Island Teams Bermuda - Bermuda Premier Division - Bermudan Teams Bolivia - Primera Division A - Primera Division B - Primera Division C - Primera Division D - Bolivian Teams Zambia - Super League - Zambian Teams Guatemala - Liga Nacional de Futbol de Guatemala - Primera Division Group A - Primera Division Group B - Guatemala Youth and Reserve Teams - Guatemalan Teams Cambodia - C-League - Other Cambodian Teams Albania - Abissnet Superiore - Kategoria e Pare - Kategoria e Dyte Group A - Kategoria e Dyte Group B - Kategoria Superiore Femra - Other Albanian Teams - Other Albanian Womens Teams Armenia - Armenian Premier League - 1 League - Other Armenian Teams Indonesia - Liga 1 - Liga 2 Group 1 - Liga 2 Group 2 - Liga 2 Group 3 - Indonesian Ladies Teams - Other Indonesian Teams Mauritius - Premier League - Other Mauritius Teams Isle of Wight - Isle Of Wight League Division 1 - Isle of Wight Division 2 - Other Isle of Wight Teams Algeria - Ligue 1 - Ligue 2 Groupe Centre-East - Ligue 2 Groupe Centre-West - Other Algerian Teams Barbados - Premier Division Group - Other Barbados Teams San Marino - Campionato - Other San Marino Teams Andorra - Primera Divisio - Segona Divisio - Other Andorran Teams Gibraltar - Gibraltar National League - Gibraltar Womens Football League - Other Gibraltar Teams - Other Gibraltar Womens Teams Belize - Premier League of Belize - Other Belize Teams Costa Rica - Liga FDP - Liga de Ascenso - Group A - Liga de Ascenso - Group B - . - Other Costa Rican Teams El Salvador - Salvadoran Primera Division - Other El Salvador Teams Honduras - Liga Nacional de Futbol Profesional de Honduras - Other Honduras Teams Nicaragua - Primera Division - Other Nicaraguan Teams Panama - Liga Panamena de Futbol East - Liga Panamena de Futbol West - Other Panama Teams Anguilla - AFA Senior Male League - Other Anguillan Antigua and Barbuda - ABFA Premier League - Other A&B Teams Aruba - Aruban Division di Honor - Other Aruba Teams Bahamas - BFA Senior League - Other Bahamas teams Bonaire - Kampionato - Other Bonaire Teams British Virgin Islands - BVIFA National Football League Cuba - Primera Division Group A - Primera Division Group B - Other Cuban Teams Curacao - Prome Divishon - Other Curacao Teams Dominica - Dominican Premier League - Other Dominica Teams Dominican Republic - Liga Mayor - Other Dominican Republic Teams French Guiana - Regional 1 - . - Other French Guiana Teams Grenada - GFA Premier - Other Grenada Teams Guadeloupe - Division dHonneur A - . - Other Guadeloupe Teams Guyana - GFF Elite League - Other Guyana Teams Haiti - Ligue Haitienne - Other Haitian Teams Jamaica - National Premier League - Other Jamaican Teams Martinique - Martinique Championnat National - . - Other Martinique Teams Montserrat - Montserrat Championship Puerto Rico - Liga Puerto Rico - Other Puerto Rican Teams Saint Kitts & Nevis - SKNFA Super League - Other SKN Teams Saint Lucia - SLFA First Division - Other Saint Lucia Teams Saint-Martin - Saint-Martin Senior League - Other Saint-Martin Teams Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - SVGFF Premier League - Other SVatG Teams Sint Maarten - SMA Senior League - Other Sint Maarten Teams Suriname - SVB Topklasse - . - Other Suriname Teams Trinidad & Tobago - TT Premier Football League - TT Premier League 2 - Other T&T Teams Turks and Caicos Islands - Provo Premier League - Other T&C Islands Teams U.S. Virgin Islands - US Virgin Islands Association Club Championship - St Croix - US Virgin Islands Association Club Championship - St Thomas Jordan - Premier League - Division 1 - Other Jordan Teams American Samoa - FFAS Senior League - Other American Samoa Teams Cook Islands - Round Cup - Other Cooks Island Teams Fiji - National Football League - Other Fijian Teams New Caledonia - Super League - Other New Caledonia Teams Niue - Niue Soccer Tournament - Other Niue Teams Papua New Guinea - Premier Soccer League - . - Other Papua New Guinea Teams Samoa - National League - Other Samoan Teams Solomon Islands - S-League - Other Solomon Islands Teams Tahiti - Ligue 1 - Other Tahiti Teams Tonga - Major League Tuvalu - A-Division - Other Tuvalu Teams Vanuatu - Port Vila Premier League - Super League - Other Vanuatu Teams Bahrain - Premier League - Bahrain Second Division - Other Bahrain Teams Iraq - Premier League - Other Iraqi Teams Cape Verde - Campeonato Nacional - Group A - Campeonato Nacional - Group B - Campeonato Nacional - Group C - Other Cape Verde Teams Kuwait - Kuwaiti Premier League - Other Kuwait Teams Lebanon - Lebanese Premier League - Other Lebanese Teams Oman - Professional League - Other Oman Teams Palestine - Gaza Strip League - West Bank Premier - Other Palestinian Teams Saudi Arabia - Saudi Professional League - Division 1 - Division 2 - Group A - Division 2 - Group B - Other Saudi Teams Syria - Syrian Premier League - Other Syrian Teams Yemen - Yemeni League Group 1 - Yemeni League Group 2 - Other Yemeni Teams Afghanistan - Afghanistan Champions League - . - Other Afghan Teams Iran - Persian Gulf Pro League - Azadegan League - Iranian Youth Teams - Other Iranian Teams Kyrgyzstan - Top Liga - Other Kyrgyzstan Teams Tajikistan - Vysshaya Liga - Other Tajikistani Teams Turkmenistan - Yokary Liga - Other Turkenistan Teams Kiribati - Kiribati National Championship - Pool A - Kiribati National Championship - Pool B - Kiribati National Championship - Pool C - Kiribati National Championship - Pool D Uzbekistan - Super League - Pro League A - Other Uzbekistan Teams Bangladesh - Premier League - Other Bangladeshi Teams Bhutan - Premier League - Other Bhutan Teams Maldives - Dhivehi League - Other Maldives Teams Nepal - Martyrs Memorial A-Division League - Super League - Other Nepalese Teams Pakistan - Premier League - Other Pakistan Teams Sri Lanka - Champions League - Other Sri Lankan Teams Guam - Division 1 - Other Guam Teams North Korea - DPR Korea League - Other North Korean Teams Macau - Liga de Elite - Other Macau Teams Mongolia - Mongolian Premier League - Other Mongolian Teams Northern Mariana Islands - MLD1 Chinese Tapai - Taiwan Football Premier League - Other Taiwan Teams Brunei - Super League - Other Brunei Teams Laos - Lao Premier League - Other Lao Teams Myanmar - National League - Other Myanmar Teams Philippines - PFL - Other Filipino Teams East Timor - Primera Divisao - Other East Timor Teams Libya - Premier League - Group 1 A - Premier League - Group 1 B - Premier League - Group 2 C - Premier League - Group 2 D - Other Libyan Teams Benin - Championnat National A - Championnat National B - . - . - Other Benin Teams Burkino Faso - 1ere Division - Other Burkina Faso Teams Gambia - GFA League First Division - Other Gambian Teams Ghana - Premier League - Other Ghanaian Teams Guinea - Ligue 1 - Other Guinea Teams Guinea-Bassau - Campeonato Nacional da Guine-Bissau - Other Guinea-Bassau Teams Cote dIvoire - Ligue 1 - Other Ivory Coast Teams Liberia - LFA First Division - Other Liberian Teams Mali - Premiere Division - Other Mali Teams Mauritania - Super D1 - Other Mauritanian Teams Niger - Super League - Other Niger Teams Nigeria - NPFL - Other Nigerian Teams Senegal - Ligue 1 - Other Senegal Teams Sierra Leone - National Premier League - Other Sierra Leone Teams Togo - Championnat National A - Championnat National B - Other Togo Teams Cameroon - Elite ONE - . - Other Cameroon Teams Central African Republic - Central African Republic Premier League - Other CAR Teams Chad - Linafoot - . - Other Chad Teams DR Congo - Ligue 1 A - Ligue 1 B - Other Congo DR Teams Congo - Ligue 1 - Other Congo Teams Equatorial Guinea - Primera Division - Region Insular - Primera Division- Region Continental - Other EG Teams Gabon - Championnat D1 - . - Other Gabon Teams Sao Tome and Principe - Campeonato National (Principe Island League) - Campeonato National (Sao Tome League) - Other Sao Tome and Principe Teams Burundi - Ligue A - Other Burundi Teams Djibouti - Division 1 - Other Djibouti Teams Eritrea - Eritrean Premier League - Other Eritrean Teams Ethiopia - Premier League - Other Ethiopian Teams Kenya - Premier League - Super League - Other Kenyan Teams Rwanda - National Soccer League - Other Rwandan Teams Somalia - First Division - Other Somalian Teams South Sudan - SS Football Championship Group A - SS Football Championship Group B - SS Football Championship Group C - Other SS Teams Sudan - Sudani Premier League - Other Sudan Teams Tanzania - Liga Kuu Bara - Other Tanzania Teams Uganda - Premier League - Other Ugandan Teams Zanzibar - Ligi Kuu ya Zanzibar - Other Zanzibar Teams Angola - Girabola - Other Angolan Teams Comoros - Championnat des Comores - Ligue de Nzwani - Championnat des Comores - Ligue Mwali - Championnat des Comores - Ligue Ngazidja - Other Comoros Teams Lesotho - Lesotho Premier League - Other Lesotho Teams Madagascar - Malagasy Pro League Center - Malagasy Pro League Nord - Malagasy Pro League Sud - Other Madigascan Teams Malawi - Super League - Other Malawi Teams Mozambique - Mocambola - Other Mozambique Teams Namibia - Premier League - Other Namibian Teams Seychelles - Seychelles Premier League - . - Other Seychelles Teams Eswatini - Eswatini Premier League - Other Eswatini Teams Zimbabwe - Premier Soccer League - Other Zimbabwe Teams Reunion - Regionale 1 - Other Reunion Teams Guernsey - Priaulx League - Other Guernsey Teams Jersey - Jersey Premiership 1 - Jersey Premiership 2 - Jersey Championship 1 - Jersey Championship 2 - Other Jersey Teams Northern Cyprus - Super League - Other Turkish Cypriot Teams - UPSL Division 1 Florida West Zone Isle of Scilly - Isles of Scilly Football League Vatican - Campionato della Citta del Vaticano - Vatican Teams - . - . Gozo - First Division - Other Gozitan Teams Mayotte - Mayotte Championnat Regional 1 - Other Mayotte Teams Greenland - Greenlandic Football Championship (Host Location Changes Each Year) Saint Pierre and Miquelon - Ligue de Football Western Sahara Taiwan
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