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"great place for groundhopping in evening match"

has rated Stonelow Road 4.0 out of 5.

tuppers31's review of Stonelow Road

excellent view of houses on the hill in the distances, you can see them in dark


it is near Dronfield Train Station


enough place for social distancing

Food & Drink

good valve

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Ratings for Stonelow Road

LocationAspect 1 rating: 4.0 stars
ViewAspect 2 rating: 4.0 stars
FacilitiesAspect 3 rating: 4.0 stars
Food & DrinkAspect 4 rating: 4.0 stars
Police & StewardsN/A
AtmosphereAspect 6 rating: 4.0 stars
OverallOverall rating: 0.0 stars

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