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"Great Atmosphere"

has rated St Mary's Stadium 4.0 out of 5.

smithy24's review of St Mary's Stadium

The atmosphere here is fantastic especially with a large away attendance. Good view from most of the stadium and lots of leg room.


The location of the ground is quite bad. The parking around the stadium is rubbish and takes an age to get out of.


Comfy seats with enough leg room. Good view, although if it is a bad view the big screens can help.


Plently of toilets inside and outside of the stadium. Clean and large so not very busy.

Food & Drink

Lots of choice but very expensive.

Police & Stewards

Stewards were happy to help and police didn't go over the top.


Great atmosphere when a large away support is there.

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Ratings for St Mary's Stadium

LocationAspect 1 rating: 2.0 stars
ViewAspect 2 rating: 4.5 stars
FacilitiesAspect 3 rating: 4.0 stars
Food & DrinkAspect 4 rating: 4.0 stars
Police & StewardsAspect 5 rating: 3.5 stars
AtmosphereAspect 6 rating: 5.0 stars
OverallOverall rating: 3.5 stars

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