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"Lost its atmosphere"

has rated Boundary Park 4.5 out of 5.

facebook-user-91445's review of Boundary Park

I am an oldham fan and Boundary Park has lost its atmosphere due to the demolition of the Lookers stand. The food is still top drawer, toilets heavily shabby and very traditional :)...but it's home :).


Ideal next to the motorway :)


Poor toilets.

Food & Drink



Lacking now.

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Ratings for Boundary Park

LocationAspect 1 rating: 5.0 stars
FacilitiesAspect 3 rating: 0.5 stars
Food & DrinkAspect 4 rating: 5.0 stars
Police & StewardsAspect 5 rating: 3.5 stars
AtmosphereAspect 6 rating: 2.5 stars
OverallOverall rating: 3.5 stars

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