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"Not Great"

has rated Ship Lane 1.0 out of 5.

butskijnr's review of Ship Lane

Not a good ground, but have seen worse


Just off the M25, not even 5 mins away!!!!


Just the same as most other grounds at that level

Police & Stewards

Hardly any


Nothing from the home fans

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Ratings for Ship Lane

LocationAspect 1 rating: 4.5 stars
ViewAspect 2 rating: 3.5 stars
FacilitiesAspect 3 rating: 3.0 stars
Food & DrinkAspect 4 rating: 4.5 stars
Police & StewardsAspect 5 rating: 1.5 stars
AtmosphereAspect 6 rating: 0.5 stars
OverallOverall rating: 1.5 star

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