Get the double-sided 92 Club & National League map poster

How can I help Football Ground Map? is developed and maintained by one person - me, Rob Clarkson. I do this around my normal day job (working for one of the country's largest independent online retailers), looking after my young son and also trying to spend a bit of time with my wife.

The site is a massive passion of mine and I have big plans for where I want it to go. Unfortunately, time usually gets the better of me and there's several jobs which I'll probably never get time to finish.

So, if you're a fan of and have a little bit of spare time, here's some ways which you could help...

Graphical/image work

One of the downsides of adding new teams and grounds to the site is that I'm constantly getting further and further behind with the images which go with them - namely the club crests and header images featuring the ground and crests of the team who play there.

The site currently supports 2 sizes of club crests:

These crests should be the up-to-date ones, saved as .gif files and have a transparent background. The file should be saved as the team name is displayed on the website... If we use Sheffield United as an example, their team page can be found at The 64x64 crest is named sheffield-united.gif with the 150px x 150px image named sheffield-united-150.gif

The other images required en-masse are the header image which adorns each individual ground page. An example of this can be seen on the Bramall Lane page - the large image at the top of the page. This should show the ground with the team's crest layered over it to the right. The image is 1024px x 250px and should be named after the ground and team which plays there. It should be saved as a .jpg, no larger than 100kb. For example, the image of Bramall Lane is: bramall-lane-sheffield-united.jpg


Graphics not your strong point? Never fear, we've got plenty of writing which needs to be done for the site. At the moment, Football Ground Map is very stats-heavy with very little actual textual content - some pages about leagues, teams and grounds have no text on them, and this could easily be made better.

Intro text to grounds, teams, leagues and tournaments

This is probably one of the biggest jobs to be done - writing a few words to introduce all of the countries, leagues, teams, grounds and tournaments that the site supports.

The text will show at the top of the page and should serve as an introduction to the team/ground/country/league/tournament which it is about. The text should be at least a couple of hundred words and should be interesting to read.

The site current requires intro text writing for:

Writing articles

Our Articles Section is a new but growing area of the site with the intention to contain articles which football fans will find informative. I'm quite open to what can be written here - I already have several ideas and a few articles in development, but I'm happy to open this up to others. As long as it's related to football grounds, I'm more than happy to add it to the site.

Researching new grounds

Football Ground Map now includes over 4,000 grounds from all over the world, with new ones being added on a regular basis. Unfortunately, finding the information (and accurate locations) is one of the most time-consuming parts of the maintaining the site.

That's where you could help. To add a new team or league, I need to know the following information:

Once I have this information, new teams, grounds and leagues can be added to the site.

What do I get out of it?

Pride and recognition. You'll be able to show off your work to your friends. We'll also add you to our Thank You page, making sure you get the recognition you deserve.

Interested in helping out?

If you're interested in helping out Football Ground Map, please get in touch with Rob through the contact form, on Twitter or on Facebook.

Get the double-sided 92 Club & National League map poster
Football posters and wall charts