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Spratleys Meadow

Spratleys Meadow

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About Spratleys Meadow

Spratleys Meadow Stats

Current home toAmersham Town
England » Combined Counties League Premier Division North (step 9)
Former home ofRising Ballers Kensington FC, London Tigers, London Rangers, Penn & Tylers Green
Football visits414 (0.2% of our users have been here)
Other visits11

Spratleys Meadow Average Ratings

These are the average ratings for Spratleys Meadow as submitted by our registered users.

My RatingAverage Rating
OverallAverage rating: 1.7
LocationAverage rating: 2.6
ViewAverage rating: 3.4
FacilitiesAverage rating: 2.4
Food & DrinkAverage rating: 1.9
PoliceAverage rating: 2.8
AtmosphereAverage rating: 1.4

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Nearest public transport to Spratleys Meadow

  • Metropolitan Amersham 0.80 miles

Spratleys Meadow Facts

  • Amersham Town moved to Spratleys Meadow in 1920, thanks to the generosity of a local entrepreneur - a Mr A Brazil who founded the famous sausage and pie company bearing his name. (lukeb)
  • In 1998 the club secured a 99 year lease on Spratleys Meadow and installed new floodlights and a new stand. In 2000, new pitches were provided across School Lane for the rapidly expanding Youth Section. (lukeb)

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